
Friday, July 13, 2012

High Five for Friday!

This is the first time I am posting a High Five for Friday post (hosted by Lauren at From My Grey Desk) since I forgot about my blog took an accidental hiatus from blogging.  Let's just hope that I can do this linking thing correctly!

Here are some things from this week and today:
1.  Got new placemats and napkins and placemats at Target to warm up my dining room.
2.  Spent some time and money at one of my favorite stores to get ready for the school year!  I have a small obsession with black accented with rainbow colors and polka-dots. :)

3.  Check out these CUH-UTE stamps I got!!

4.  Hooray for moms who loan their daughters pieces of furniture for an indefinite amount of time!  Go Jan!

5.  Ending the day with decaf.
How was YOUR week?
