
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Liebster Award!

Hey all, Melissa from A mile in her boots nominated me for the Liebster Award! I had never heard of this until now!  Super cool!

The Liebster Award is given to new or up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers. It's a great way to find new and noteworthy blogs. 

The Rules:

1. Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, and then create 11 new questions for the bloggers you pass the award to.
3. Choose 11 new bloggers(with less than 200 followers) to pass the award to and link them in your post.
4. Go back to their page and tell them about the award.
5. No tag backs

11 Random Facts About Me

1.  I am a singer.  I sing in the car, I sing to my nuggets and I sing to Handsome Husband.  I can usually connect the oddest situations to a song.  I recorded a Bruce Springsteen song to surprise Handsome Husband for the our first dance.  I love Queen and anything by them.

2.  I am OCD about the most random things...I ALWAYS have clean clothes in a laundry basket (or piled on the floor) but I hate it when Handsome Husband doesn't push in the chairs around the dining room table or doesn't put the dishes away the way I think it should be done.  I also can't have messy papers.  If I mess up on something I am writing (in pen or marker) I will always start over.  My coworkers make fun of me for it A LOT!

3.  I am obsessed with Post-It Notes.  I have an entire pouch stashed in my teacher bag filled with them.  I have them in apple shapes, hearts, stars; big, lined ones and all different colors.  I made my stinking plan book out of them for heaven's sake!

4.  I have a thing for really bad movies and sequels.  I judge whether or not I'm going to like a movie by the bad reviews the critics give.

5.  I LOVE to make whipped cream.  I will bake something just so I can make some.

6.  I became a beer snob after visiting Germany.  I went a Bud Light lover and left a craft beer fan.  I love me a cold Bell's Oberon.

7.  The first time I watched P. S. I Love You I started crying 5 minutes in and continued to cry for the rest of the movie.

8.  I love devouring a great book (with a glass of wine or without) but I don't get a lot of time to read during the school year.  I usually read a book a day during the summer.  (I'm a bit of a speed reader.)

9.  I never wear matching socks...ever.  

10.  I will stay up late to watch Criminal Minds and CSI  no matter how tired I am.  

11.  I have a M.A.J.O.R. scarf obsession.  My favorite place to get scarves (and jewelery!!!) is at the farmer's market at Ali Oesch's booth.  I spend WWWAAAYYY too much here.  Handsome Husband knows that ANYTHING from her is worth it.  I always know when he goes because he tells me that she and her mom said, "Hi!."  I can usually go through her website and say, "Yup...I've got that and that and that and that and that..." :-)

Melissa's questions:
1. Where did you grow up?  I grew up on the East coast and in the Midwest.  I lived in Massachusetts until I was 5, Maine until I was 10 and then Indiana.

2. If you could live anywhere where would it be?  I L.O.V.E. Maine.  I think it's the hills and trees.

3. What is on your DVR at all times?  Bones, CSI, Criminal Minds, Walking Dead, How I Met Your Mother (It seems like I would have a lot of time on my hands but I truly don't!)

4. What are two things on your bucket list?  Visit all the Major League Baseball parks at least once 

5. Where can you usually be found doing on the weekends?  Do teachers get weekends???  I usually spend Friday night catching up on the DVR with Handsome Husband, Saturday with friends, and Sunday at church and with my folks.

6. What's your favorite hobby?  I love to sing and read.  I can't pick the one I love more.  If I could sing and read at the same time I would be one happy if only my dad the preacher would condone crocheting while he preaches.

7. Are you guilty of watching reality shows? Which ones?  Not really...I love singing but I have trouble watching American Idol or the Voice.

8. What is your favorite holiday and why? I love Christmas.  I enjoy having our family Christmas at my parent's house, Christmas with the in-laws, and going to New Buffalo for Christmas with Handsome Husband's extended family.

9. Do you have a favorite quote that is meaningful to you?  Don't be afraid to afraid not to try by Michael Jordan.

10. What is your favorite thing about blogging?    I love being able to have a place to put my thoughts and ideas out there and finding someone who thinks in the same ways.

11. Do you have a beauty product you can not live without?  Cover Girl Very Black mascara.

Jordan's questions for nominees:

1.  What is your favorite band? 
2.  Wine or beer?
3.  What is your movie and why?
4.  What is your favorite hobby?
5.  Are you a morning person or a night owl?
6.  What is your favorite holiday recipe?
7.  What is your favorite season and why?
8.  What is your favorite feature about yourself?
9.  What is your favorite part of blogging and why?
10.  Coffee or tea?
11.  Do you have anything you can't live without?    

My nominees:

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