
Friday, March 8, 2013

Thank Heaven It's Friday!

What. A. Week.
This week just felt physically heavy for some reason.
But, now it's the weekend so it's time to party!

I am spending the weekend at my mom's house for a women's retreat.
I'm very excited to hang out with some awesome women.

Here's my High Five for Friday:
(Check out the others here.)

1.  I stepped out of my box this week.
I am not super confident in my skinny jeans since I am a bit chunky, but I felt pretty good in my skinnies with my Converse sneaks.
My girl nuggets told me I looked cute.

 2.  This is the DISASTROUS text that my mother sent the man who plowed her driveway the other day.
She's never met him and then sends him this by accident.
I laughed so hard I cried while driving to school.
Her advice:
1.  Always wear your glasses when texting.
2.  Always make sure that you're sending it to the right person.

 3.  Our Tim McGraw tickets came in the mail this week!
Woot woot!

4.  I got these cute buckets at Target (Tar-jay) the other night.
I LOVE rainbows and bright colors, so these were right up my alley.
Thank you dollar bin.

5.  Apparently my friend L thought that Tar-jay was the name of one of my nuggets!
Too funny.
See, it's been a long week.

How has your week been?
Anything fun or interesting happen?


Mrs. B


  1. Just stopping by from HF4F linkup, I love skinny jeans and converse (or Keds)! And I am a bigger girl, so I understand not always feeling comfortable in skinny jeans, but I just love the look and feel of them.

    1. I'm slowly learning that bigger is not always better. And neither is smaller!! :)

      Thanks for stopping by!

