
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What I'm Loving...3.27.13

Happy workaholic Wednesday!
Today is my first day of spring break and I have been running my tushie off all day!
Ug-er-oonie, Batman.
Don't forget to check out the other great posts here.

Even though I've been running around all day, I'm loving that I am on spring break until April 7th!
We get a week and a half this year.
Woot woot!

I'm loving that my mom told me I had a "Memere (my grandma) moment".
I remembered that I didn't have any coffee creamer left this morning when I went down to get my "getting ready" cup-o-joe.
I then couldn't figure out why the coffee looked clear.
I turned the machine on but forgot to pour the water in.
I was pretty excited since I didn't have to waste any coffee.
It just doesn't taste the same with skim milk.

I'm loving that my feet are out of hibernation.
My mom and I got manis and pedis today.
I am rocking my black French manicure on my toes.

I'm loving that because of this blog I decided to check out what Forever 21 had to offer.
I used to shop there, but didn't think that their stuff would fit my figure.
I was happily proven wrong!
I got 3 really cute light-weight shirts for our trip to LA and an adorable makeup case.

I'm loving that a friend of mine suggested putting tape on my arm or leg to remind myself of things that I often forget.
It's worked every time.

I'm loving these funny tea-smelling directions at the local coffee shop.
It's kind of sad that they're needed...

I'm loving that I'm a real lady now.
I have more than one perfume to my name for the first time in my life.
My perfume samples in my Birchboxes has made me realize that I like having a choice in scent each day.

Here are a few pins I'm loving this week:

I desperately want to make either of these amazing afghans!  
I adore rainbows.

What is something you're loving this week?


Mrs. B

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