
Monday, April 8, 2013

A Week Ago Today: Monday

Since I didn't do a lot of sharing about our trip last week I figured I'd do it this week!
(Plus, Handsome Husband and I are preoccupied with shopping for a new car, and soon!
We can only be a one-car family for so long.)

I started my week in LA with this little one.
Coffee for me, hot chocolate for her.

We spent Monday at Universal Studios.
Here is the daily shooting schedule for the lots.
I would have killed to get on the set of CSI!

Here I am with the Apollo 13 space capsule.

Handsome Husband was very excited to see such a big burger!

This was a fun ride.
Even more fun was the fact that HH and I DIDN'T GET SOAKED!! 
The people next to us did, though.

We were on our way into the Transformers 3D ride when Optimus Prime decided to grace us with his presence.

Good human...bald human.

The Delorian.

Some dresses from Les Mis.

Timmy from Passions.
I never watched it, but thought his character was weird-funny.

A Back to the Future set piece.

The cars from the Fast and Furious movies.
I kind of love watching action movies with car chase scenes.
I have seen all of the Fast and Furious movies (except Tokyo Drift) and am anxiously awaiting the release of the new one!

The fountain at the entrance.

Playing around on the set of Jaws.
(I kinda love all of those movies, too...I REALLY like sequels apparently.)

I hope you had a great Monday!

Wish us luck on the car search!


Mrs. B


  1. You got to see so many neat things. The space capsule would have been cool.

    I still need to do posts from weeks back so one week behind is pretty good for me.

    Thanks for linking up to this weeks BlogLovin Hop at Journeys of The Zoo (

    Besos, Sarah
    Blogger at Journeys of The Zoo
    Finding Humour in Everyday Life
    journeysofthezoo at hotmail dot com

    1. You're welcome! I need to start carrying a notebook to jot ideas down in or something...I write the most fantastic posts in my head and then blank when I get to the computer!

      Thanks for stopping by!


  2. I haven't been to Universal Studios in years. I also remembering loving the E.T. ride, if that's even still there. But last time I went, the Jurassic Park ride hadn't even been opened yet.

    1. No more E.T. ride. :( I would have loved to go on that one. It was fun but I like roller coasters more.

      Thanks for stopping by!
