
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Aaaaannnndddd...I'm Out!

At 3:00 this afternoon I sent my third group of second graders off into the big, bad world of summer.
It's bittersweet...emphasis on this point.

We had a pretty good year, but I'm ready for a break and to not talk about reading and math all the time.
(Although I's what I do!)

Here's a recap of what happened this week since I've been a naughty blogger and shirking my duties.

Handsome Husband and I went to a Tim McGraw concert this weekend with 6 of our friends.
We had a blast, but it was FREEZING!
Our one friend was so cold that he decided to use a sock as a mitten.

Here we are!!
I was flat-out exhausted when this picture was taken but needed a snapshot with HH!

My brother found this flashback photo last weekend.
We ended up at the same prom and decided to get a photo for mom.

I had a blast hanging with my family on Sunday.
It was a really great day.
I'm definitely blessed.

Jayders was OBSESSED with my mom's chocolate chip cookies...
as is anyone else who tries them.
Look at that face!!!!

She HATES the feeling of grass on her skin.
So, she kept trying to lift everything up.
Work those abs, girl.

I liked May's photo challenge so much that I decided to do another!

My mom totally dissed me.
I didn't want to go shopping anyway.

We had a great field day yesterday!
The kids had so much fun.
I was asleep by 7:45, though!

I realized I was naked (jewelry-wise) on the way to school.
I hate not wearing earrings.

The shelves in my classroom library decided that today was the day they would mutiny.
(And no, the big, heavy books were not on them.  They were in another cupboard on the bottom.)

I was thisclose to having my counters cleaned off until that happened.


I got this beautiful (and nose-pleasing) gift from a nugget I shall call "O".
I'm loving the monsters he drew on the pot.

Another student got me a box of chocolate.
I devoured three within 30 seconds of the box entering my hands!

However, what's the end of the year without a little bit of drama.
One of our second grade nuggets (not my class, but my teammate's) was playing soccer and, in a freak accident, came down wrong and suffered a compound fracture of his lower leg.
He was so brave and composed even though he was beyond scared and in a lot of pain.
The poor boy will be starting his summer off with surgery to have pins put in and in a cast.
He will be in my daily prayers.



Mrs. B

Friday, May 24, 2013

High Five for My Last Friday of the School Year!

Holy guacamole!
Today is officially my last Friday of the school year!
Counting today, I have 3 days left with my nuggets.
I've had some toughies this year.

Here are my top 5 from the week:

I love this picture.
I caught her mid-spit bubble.
She's getting too dang big.

My parents got a pool at the end of last summer.
I'm psyched!
Last Sunday was a scorcher, so Handsome Husband, mom and I hung by the pool.
This summer's going to be grrrreat!

My nuggets and I had an unexpected visitor on the roof outside our window this week.
Multiplication lost it's cool-factor the second they spotted him.
We got a good laugh.

I had so much fun with the photo challenge this month, so I decided to start another in June!

Handsome Husband, six friends and I are hitting up a concert tomorrow night.
I am wicked excited!  
We haven't been to a concert since The Boss in September.
I can't wait!

Have a wonderful weekend!
I know I will.


Mrs. B

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sunday Social: 5.19.13

Whoa...I've been a wicked bad blogger this week.
Handsome Husband and I rented our house out this week and had a TON on our plates.
Our house is the cleanest it's been in quite a while.
It feels great to have it so, but I'm not sure quite how long it will last...:-)

I haven't done this Sunday Social business in a few weeks, but here goes!

This Week's Questions:

1.  What is your favorite kind of surprise?
I love a surprise that has lots of thought behind it.
I LOVED Handsome Husband's proposal.
He did it in my classroom and used the nuggets that were under my tutelage that year.

2.  Flowers or Chocolate?
Flowers for sure.
They last a heck of a lot longer than any chocolate in my possession.
I'm not very good at moderation.

3.  What is your favorite summertime activity?
Reading in the pool.
Whether it be hanging on to the side or floating in the middle, I love to devour a great book while semi-submerged.
I usually freak people out when they see me in the middle of the pool with a book, but I haven't dropped one yet!

4.  Do you have any vacations planned this summer?
Uh...the whole month of June, basically.
We have a wedding in Michigan on a lake June 1, a wedding in Charleston June 7, my in-laws rented a lake house June 10 - 15, and a Toronto, Niagara Falls, New England road trip June 20 - 27.

5.  What is your favorite summer holiday?
Erm...the whole dang summer is my holiday.
I love fireworks on the 4th, though.

6.  What is your dream vacation?
Anything where we can lay in the sun and just relax.
I loved our honeymoon.  
We spent the week lounging by the pool and beach.
I devoured, like, 7 books.
(Don't worry folks...I didn't spend the WHOLE time reading. *wink wink*)

What are your summer plans??


Mrs. B

Friday, May 10, 2013

High Five for Freakin Friday: 5.10.13

Oh.  Emm.  Gee.
My nuggets are KILLING ME. 
It's like we are back in August.
All the procedures I've taught them have been forgotten.
Thankfully, it's Friday and no one is going to judge me if I have a glass of wine before I head to spin class.

Here are my top 5:
check out some more here

1.  I'm eating carbs again and loving it.

2.  I spent some time swinging with my nuggets yesterday.
I forgot how fun that is!

3.  My school's secretary had a humorous way to ensure that people wouldn't steal her pens.

4.  After a crappy couple of days I took my well-behaved nuggets outside for some Uno and laughter.
They deserved it.
A grass fight ensued.

5.  My principal informed us today that we can wear jeans for the rest of the year!
That's 12 days of denim goodness.
That means more days like this:

I hope you have had a great week!


Mrs. B

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What I'm Loving Wednesday: 5.8.13

Ho. Ly. Mo. Ly.

There are 15 (FIFTEEN!!!!!) days left in this school year.
I can't stinking believe it...ack!

Here's what I'm loving this week:

I have joined Weight Watchers.
I have tried (and failed) and tried (and failed) and tried ( guessed it...failed) on the 17-Day Diet every time I've tried.
I found that I am the type of person who wants what she can't have.
I love Weight Watchers because if I want a glass of wine I can have one.
Check out that English muffin that I'm rocking.
I haven't eaten bread in FOREVER.
I've been eating my total points each day and I've already lost 2 pounds.
I've also gone to the gym 4 days in a row!
I'm loving a lot here...

I'm loving that my cousin Marc (after being a part of a really crappy and biased Facebook conversation that disparaged public school teachers) made sure to let me know that I'm appreciated as a teacher.
(He would have anyway because he's the bomb diggity.)
I love that dude...and his wife and kids!

I'm loving that we have had G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S. weather this week.
My nuggets and I have gone outside to be together every day so far.
Today we went outside for writing.
I needed to display a chart and thumbtacks did the trick nicely.
We are also working on problem and solution in class, so we talked through my problem and how I could solve it.
It's just too darn nice outside to keep my nuggets locked in our room.

I hope you're loving this week as much as I am!
Picture via


Mrs. B

Monday, May 6, 2013

My Weekend in a Nutshell

I must say...I had a GREAT weekend!
There was a perfect mixture of relaxation and productivity.
I was more tan ready to greet my nuggets with a smile.

Handsome Husband and I chillaxed on Friday night with "The Silver Linings Playbook".
Holy guacamole.
Handsome Husband has begun taking golf lessons and is loving them.

I am super-dee-duper excited that I have managed to grow something from seeds.
This is my basil on Saturday.
There's a ton now!
**pat on the back**

The schedule of weekly runs to the farmer's market has begun.
I go at least once a week in the summer.
It's probably one of my favorite places.
Go BoSox!

I came home with some goodies.
I always feel like a real homeowner when I shop for flowers.

Aren't they pretty!
(Don't mind the butt-ugly steps...they will be painted eventually.) 

I'm infatuated with this gorgeous plant.

All of my shoes were clamoring to be worn this weekend.
I only have two feet, due time, in due time.

I celebrated Lindsay's second wedding shower at a local winery with some great gals.
Less than a month until we PARTY!

Handsome Husband headed to Chicago with some friends for a Derby party.
He had a lot of fun.
(MAN, he's cute!)
He feels pretty, oh so pretty...

To cap off a great weekend, my nuggets and I headed outside this afternoon.
We released the Painted Lady butterflies that we had been enjoying in our room.
(They emerged late last week...we're not cruel :))
Since it was such a great day, we had our afternoon read-aloud on the grass in front of the school.
I think that may happen every nice day until the end of the year.
I think the folks listening in across the street really enjoyed hearing our Junie B. Jones book.

How was your weekend?


Mrs. B

Friday, May 3, 2013

High Five for Friday: 5.3.13

1.  I had to stay at my parent's house last night.
Some people may not consider that awesome, but I do.
I loved living at home and I love to return home.
I had my best night's sleep all week.
My dad has been using this joke FOR YEARS.
"My friends call me Banana because I have appeal."
(A peel...get it??!)

2.  I tried the "Unwich" version of the Beach Club from Jimmy Johns last night, too.
I may splurge and get the bread occasionally, but I now know that it's not necessary.

3.  I am super excited to hang with Brit tomorrow night.
A Moulin Rouge! dance party may occur.
We will have plenty of yarn for twirling.

4.  I found my jewelry for Lindsay's wedding!  
I can't wait to get my dress back and play dress up on her big day.
I get to celebrate her wedding tomorrow at a shower.
Yay for weddings!
She confessed to having full-on "bride brain".

5.  I have 17 days of school left.
Holy crap.
Where did the time go?

Have a great weekend!


Mrs. B

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What I'm Loving Wednesday: 5.1.13

Woo hoo!
I got the date right the first time!
That's a big deal for me...I usually have to go back and change it.

Here's what I'm loving this week:

I'm loving that I got my stairs done this weekend.

I'm loving this blanket and all it's colors.
I'm also loving the method of laying out color progressions for a blanket.

I'm loving that I spent an hour or so roaming my local farmer's market this weekend.
I can't wait to do it again.
I go at least once a week in the summer.

I'm loving these succulents that I got while roaming the market.

I'm loving that I got to crochet my brains out on Monday night.
I'm hating that I had to do it during two show finales.
Dang you season-endings!

I'm loving that Handsome Husband said that I may have cooked him his favorite meal last night.
Pork chops (cooked in white wine), caramelized bourbon onions, roasted zucchini and summer squash, and Stove Top.
I LOVE cooking and felt so relaxed while I was doing it.

I'm loving that I joined a photo challenge for the month of May.

I'm loving that I found the most PERFECT little table for in front of the window in the living room.
I just happened to stop in at a local second hand shop and found this beauty for $12.00.

What are you loving?


Mrs. B