
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What I'm Loving Wednesday: 5.8.13

Ho. Ly. Mo. Ly.

There are 15 (FIFTEEN!!!!!) days left in this school year.
I can't stinking believe it...ack!

Here's what I'm loving this week:

I have joined Weight Watchers.
I have tried (and failed) and tried (and failed) and tried ( guessed it...failed) on the 17-Day Diet every time I've tried.
I found that I am the type of person who wants what she can't have.
I love Weight Watchers because if I want a glass of wine I can have one.
Check out that English muffin that I'm rocking.
I haven't eaten bread in FOREVER.
I've been eating my total points each day and I've already lost 2 pounds.
I've also gone to the gym 4 days in a row!
I'm loving a lot here...

I'm loving that my cousin Marc (after being a part of a really crappy and biased Facebook conversation that disparaged public school teachers) made sure to let me know that I'm appreciated as a teacher.
(He would have anyway because he's the bomb diggity.)
I love that dude...and his wife and kids!

I'm loving that we have had G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S. weather this week.
My nuggets and I have gone outside to be together every day so far.
Today we went outside for writing.
I needed to display a chart and thumbtacks did the trick nicely.
We are also working on problem and solution in class, so we talked through my problem and how I could solve it.
It's just too darn nice outside to keep my nuggets locked in our room.

I hope you're loving this week as much as I am!
Picture via


Mrs. B

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