
Friday, October 6, 2017

Hey There!

So, during dinner the other night, my father-in-law turned to me and asked, "So, did you abandon that Paste thing?"  I laughed and said, "Kinda, sorta, not really?" (I'm super touched that he was interested enough in this little blog to ask!)

I have definitely been MIA over the last year.  I would have to attribute it to good old teacher burnout.  


I had it.

I was enjoying my life, don't get me wrong!  However, my school was 45 minutes away from my house, I was a TAP Mentor Teacher (which I loved and miss), I was leading a team that was falling apart in a school that was sinking (but I loved and had been there for seven years), and I kept having to sacrifice time with my husband and daughter to keep up with work and I was still failing miserably at doing so.

I knew I needed a change.  My family needed a change.

Over spring break I applied to two school districts near my house.  I was confident and not confident all at the same time.  What if they didn't want me?  What if I wasn't good enough? What if I HATE IT?

The first one I applied to never called back.  It's also the same district my husband works in.  That was a bit of a hit for me.

However, within 21 days of hitting submit on my second application, one all elementary principals interview I had a job offer for 4th grade!  At a school 10 minutes from my house!  

It was a real struggle not to scream and shout and dance around since I was on a walk with my daughter and not in our neighborhood.  Hahaha!  I didn't need these people thinking I was crazy!

Long story short, I'm happier than ever.

Though, I miss my colleagues and friends every day and miss the relationships I had build with them and the students, the people in my life have been commenting on how much more relaxed I am.  How much more I smile and seem to enjoy what I'm doing.

My new class is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.  They are taking risks and growing their brains like weeds.  I enjoy them immensely and I *think* they like me, too. :)

My daughter is thrilled that I am FINALLY able to drop her off at preschool and pick her up any day she wants. I'm pretty darn happy about that, too.  My awesome husband was shouldering all of that and he deserves an award or something.

Hopefully, I'll be able to pop in on here more often now!

Until next time, 

Mrs. B

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