Hooray for Friday!! Boo that it is my last Friday of the summer as I start school on Tuesday...I'm wearing a happy frown. I swear. I also swear that it's entirely possible!
1. I finally got my new curriculum organized! More on that to come next week... |
2. I. LOVE. GROCERY. SHOPPING. I know...I'm a total dork, but I absoLUTEly love going to the store. I am that dork that smiles at everyone and wanders the aisles contentedly. I could seriously spend HOURS there. I mean, don't get me wrong...I love regular shopping just fine. However, there is something butterfly-in-the-belly, dopamine-releasing and just sheer euphoria-inducing about buying groceries. Don't judge me...what's your vice?? |
3. Hello Cycle 2 on The 17 Day Diet! I am super excited to be able to eat something other than asparagus, bell peppers and broccoli. |
4. Handsome Husband and I were inducted into our local Elk's lodge. We were the youngest in attendance by about 25 years. Excited! |
Don't forget to check out Lauren's post over at
From My Grey Desk.
Mrs. B
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