Ugh, people, ugh.
I have been diligently taking photos with my iPhone since I started blogging "regularly" and I have been wishing I could take better photos.
So, I bought a camera.
A Nikon L810.
I didn't buy the camera from this place, but it's where I took the picture from...
I'm not sure how I feel yet.
I've read some reviews, played with it and am worried that I'm not going to be satisfied.
My next option is a DSLR.
I've talked to people and have heard great things about both point and shoot cameras (like above) and DSLR cameras.
I would like the effects of Instagram without the Instagram!
I have always loved taking pictures and have always tried to take great pictures, but the equipment truly matters.
Decisions, decisions.
Welp, at least I have a 60-day return policy.
Here are some of the pictures I have been snapping:

I dunno...I'll keep playing!
Mrs. B
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